Oct 9, 2011

Another reject

This is another one of those drawings I got pretty far into before calling it quits. In this particular case, I realized that there were some things I could've done a lot better, and there was a smarter way of conveying the scene. I'll call this a very well-developed study and file it away. I'm almost done the revised drawing and I'm happy to say that it's significantly better.

This is for another one of those short stories.


  1. It was a great piece even if it didn't make it to the end. Look forward to the revised!

  2. Also, fungi when done right can really gross me out so unfortunately I can't look at this too long

  3. very impressive work !
    great piece :)

  4. Amazing. Excited to see the revised piece.

  5. Hey Sam,
    Just saw your art on Blog.Drawn.Ca and think it's amazing. Can I be let in on when/if your stuff is collected in either a sketchbook or a comic book? Would love to have it on my bookshelf.
