Nov 10, 2010

Turtle Soup page 8

Turtle Soup is my contribution to the second volume of The Anthology Project. It is a short comic about buying too much soup. It also has a bunch of monster and knights and stuff.

If I inked my comics, this is what I'd call the final pencils. My final lines will be IN pencil, of course, so that term is a little misleading here. Anyway, here is the final rough drawing before the final lines, and below that are two stages of the layout. Original thumbnail is at the very bottom and a more developed digital sketch is right above that. Some things still need to get moved around now that I look at them (drawing in panel 4 is gonna get shifted to the left a bit), and I'm adding the speech bubbles in separately in case they need to be resized or anything like that.

I have four more pages to draw and then it's on to the finals! Everything will be done by the end of the month, and I'll post some more previews when I get a chance. The book will be out in the Spring.

If you're interested in preordering, our Kickstarter page is still taking pledges until December 1. We're way past our goal, but you can still get the book and some prizes and stuff if you're interested.


  1. Looks great man. I'm starting on some comic pages myself, and have just come to terms with how much more I like the look of pencils instead of inks, and I'm glad to see someone I respect also doing it this way. Looking forward to the whole thing!

  2. Hi Sam, just wanted to congratulate you for your work on the illustrations Hobitt do not understand but are becoming more amazing!!
    But I think the development process of your work is exceptional, not finish please. It's like seeing the soul of the illustration.

    Greetings Sam

    A fan.

